Aims & Means

Bayt Al–Hikma goals:

- Studying history of Iraq
- Studying Arabic and Islamic civilization and Arabic and Islamic heritage as well as investigating documents and scripts.
- Establishing approaches of dialogue between cultures and religions to spread peace culture, forgiveness value and coexistence between individuals, societies and human civilizations
- Monitoring and following up political, economical and legal development .
- Concentrating on researches and field studies concerning social problems and phenomena.
- Concentrating on researches and studies concerning human rights to establish democracy value and civil society.
- Presenting strategic visions that serve decision - making centers in government and society.

Bayt Al– Hikma means

To achieve its goals, Bayt Al-Hikma takes the following steps:
Contracting with authors ,researchers and translators inside and outside Iraq to write, make researches and translations.
Assigning Iraqi ,  Arab and foreign  writers and researchers to  make researches that serve Bayt Al-Hikma goals.
Translating the important books and researches concerning Arab homeland from and into Arabic language.
Publishing books, studies ,thesis relating to Bayt Al-Hikma goals.
Issuing publications ,magazines and periodicals to be distributed  inside and outside Iraq.
Having the rights of authoring and translating by others  reserved to Bayt Al- Hikma inside and outside Iraq.
Cooperating with foundations concerned with culture and thought issues inside and outside Iraq.
Organizing and participating in different cultural activities as symposium, conferences inside and outside iraq in any  suitable way.
Prizes under the title of (Bayt Al–Hikma prizes) to be awarded to honor intellectuals and thinkers who serve goals of Bayt Al-Hikma with their writings .
Founding a library to help researchers and scholars with their works

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